Newest BMW ICOM Software 2013.3Latest ICOM HDD For Lenovo/Dell Laptop
BMW ICOM Software Version: 2013.03
ISIS and ISID are both Multi-languages, if you want to check the information of Circuit diagram, only Chinese, English and German.
ISTA-D 2.35.19
ISTA-P 49.0.300
VIN 2013.03.04
Software authorization for 9000 days, ease to use
BMW ICOM Software 2013.3 computer System requirment:
Dual-core processors, better above I3, and above 4G memory.
BMW ICOM Software 2013.3supported Computer type:
Suggest to use: Lenovo and Dell.
Other typ: Almost all Intel Chip laptops,such as I3/I5/I7 series.
Software Display:
Newest For BMW ICOM Software 2013.3 Latest ICOM HDD For Lenovo/Dell Laptop
for BMW ICOM Software Version: 2013.03
ISIS and ISID are both Multi-languages, if you want to check the information of Circuit diagram, only Chinese, English and German.
ISTA-D 2.35.19
ISTA-P 49.0.300
VIN 2013.03.04
Software authorization for 9000 days, ease to use
for BMW ICOM Software 2013.3 computer System requirment:
Dual-core processors, better above I3, and above 4G memory.
for BMW ICOM Software 2013.3supported Computer type:
Suggest to use: for Lenovo and for Dell.
Other typ: Almost all Intel Chip laptops,such as I3/I5/I7 series.
Software Display:
Contact information:
Mobile:+86 18688923780
Tel:+86 755 33811620
Skype: paul_urobd2
Location:Shenzhen, China