Software version:
VIN: 2013.05.13
Not connected 9000 days remaining
Language: ISIS and ISID are both Multi-languages.
If you want to check the information of Circuit diagram, only Chinese, English and German.
System requirements:
Dual-core processor, it is recommended that the I3 above; More than 4 g of memory.
Support model:
Suggest to use Lenovo ThinkPad, T61, T400, T410, T420 and T430, X61, X200, X201, X220, X230
Other models (Intel chipset can compatible, almost all the laptop as I3 I5 / I7 series)
Contact information:
Email: paul@urobd2.com
Mobile:+86 18688923780
Tel:+86 755 33811620
Skype: paul_urobd2
MSN: paul@urobd2.com
Yahoo: paul_urobd2@yahoo.com
Location:Shenzhen, China